The BIP programme will focus on studying and reflecting on recent developments in working time regulations across Europe.
Typically, the study of this topic is confined to presenting the complexity of various provisions governing working time at the European or national level. However, the comparative approach offerred by the BIP, involving French, Italian, Serbian and Spanish experts, will concentrate on the callanges posed by these regulations in the post-COVID era.
The rise of remote work increased attention to work-life balance and the protection of private and family life, new forms of work organization facilitated by platform work, and the possibility or necessity of reducing working hours-due to the intensification of work through artificial intelligence and environmental concerns- have raised critical questions about the future of working time regulations. Can we find new organizational models that offer greater flexibility for workers and businesses? How can we safeguards health and safety? How can we envision better protections for fundamental rights? And how do we ensure genuine equality for workers as these transformations unfold?